On the night of Saint Lucia 2017 I was sitting silently in my living room. As one of the darkest nights of the year wrapped its cloak around me, something unusual lit up inside. I reached for my guitar and spontaneously played a beautiful song. The words arranged themselves effortlessly on my tongue and my fingers composed the harmonies without hesitation. I had never heard the song, but it was like I had played it a thousand times before.
I was baffled at the experience, and as I was trying to rationalise what had happened, another song ushered forth from deep within. Musically it was different then the first one, but it had the same underlying purity and intention.

The next days more songs kept coming in the same manner, in addition to guidance about the deeper energetics of the work. Attending to the usual family activities of Christmas, I was simultaneously immersed in a world of deep transformation and initiation. Each day I would be nudged to grab the guitar or sit down by the piano and a song would come through. I was used to songwriting, and understood that these songs were not only a product of my individualised creativity. It was like I was at the receiving end of something that had a clear message that it wanted delivered in a particular matter.

For each day of Christmas a new song would come through, and as the 13th day of Christmas dawned, the work was complete. 

A timeless message had taken a novel form.


“Be the dreamer, not the dream”
- Hymn #10


“The Hymns of Melchizedek” is a song book containing 19 hymns on the themes of spiritual awakening and transformational growth.
The hymns are a call to a prayer - an invitation to redefine our deeper purpose for being and reclaim our worth as parts of a living, loving cosmos.
The hymns bring messages of the Spirit world - of Angels, Avatars and Ancestors, of the winds, the Sacred Fire and the Eternal Heart.
From deep inside our selves, freedom stretches out a hand to meet the perennial longing for peace that lives in every human being.

“Always held, always protected, never forget it, never neglect it” - Hymn #9

”The Hymns of Melchizedek” is structured as a song book to be used in devotional singing circles.
The hymns theme around universal values of spiritual transformation like compassion, forgiveness, courage and devotion,
reflected in a fresh and sometimes surprising way through the lens of Christmas. The melodies are uncomplicated, like children's songs.
The words - sometimes simple, sometimes cryptic - are repeated for each verse, making singing along easy. I understand this work to be a living transmission.
Like when the hymns were received, they retain an intention and will of their own, conveyed somewhere in the silence between the words.
Each hymn has its own unique message, and combine like rays of the rainbow into one, unified initiatory experience.

“If you have ears, listen to these words” - Hymn #16

”The Hymns of Melchizedek” harness the magic of the days now known as Advent, Winter Solstice, 
Christmas and New year, a period revered for its spiritual potency since time immemorial.
The central piece of the work are the hymns received for the 12 Holy Nights of Christmas. They mirror the Universal principle for cyclical transformation,
as seen in the seasonal changes created by the Suns transit through the 12 signs of the Zodiac - the 12 fundamental moods of divine light.
The first 6 hymns act as preparatory prayers. The 7th is a vibrational key activating the transmission contained in the 12 following hymns.

Share this work with those who walk with you on the path. I hope it will bring the revelations you need, like it has done for me.

With prayers for all beings,

Magnus Jonas


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Melchizedek & Christ Consciousness

When all hope is lost and the soul is enveloped in the darkest of nights,
what ignites to illuminate the path less trodden?

How does conscious energy re-organise to open our eye, redeem our ignorance
and birth unparalleled purity in the stable of our heart?

Who is the King of Peace, the Eternal Priest?
Unbound by death and mandated by God to resurrect the epitome
of the human form at the root of the tree of life?

There is a luminous river running from the dawn of time into the prophesied deliverance of Kingdom come. It is neither this, nor that, but nearer then the nearest. Listen.

”I bring this song to remind,
to remember the path of Love”
- Hymn #1


List of Hymns with corresponding days of Christmas
December 13: Hymn #1 - From the Womb
Hymn #2 - I AM Light
December 19: Hymn #3 - Maria Santissima
Hymn #4 - Himmelske Opphav
December 21: Hymn #5 - Yuel
December 23: Hymn #6 - Gabriel
December 24: Hymn #7 - 108
Hymn #8 - Crystal Pyramid (Capricorn)
December 25: Hymn #9 - Ladder of Elevation (Aquarius)
December 26: Hymn #10 - Cure of Light (Pisces)
December 27: Hymn #11 - Invocation (Aeries)
December 28: Hymn #12 - Medicine Buddha (Taurus)
December 29: Hymn #13 - Rose Garden (Gemini)
December 30: Hymn #14 - Yggdrasil (Cancer)
December 31: Hymn #15 - Omni (Leo)
January 1: Hymn #16 - Masters (Virgio)
January 2: Hymn #17 - St. Michael (Libra)
January 3: Hymn #18 - The Magdalen (Scorpio)
January 4: Hymn # 19 - Astral Crown (Saggitarius)


Heartfelt gratitude and awe to everyone that brought unspeakable wisdom into the format of this song book. A special reverence to the Godfathers and Godmothers of the forest who have kept the Master Flame alive. To Adrian Freedman for inspiring and initiating a musical approach to transformational work and divine encounters.

Gratitude to Lars Muhl for his essential work to reinvigorate Christianity. To Harriet Kock for “Rhythm of the Year” and to Rudolf Steiner for “the 12 Holy nights of Christmas”, two pieces of wisdom that served as important reflectors for this work.

Deep reverence and praise to all the seen and unseen helpers, guides and messengers of the three worlds, in particular Sanat Kumara who’s blessing is this book.



For the recording of these songs, tremendous gratitude for Txai Fernando who has midwifed the recordings with grace and devotion. Humble recognition for all musicians who wanted to contribute with their soul and skill. A thanks also to Brother Frimann for help with the design of covers and song book.

Produced by: Txai Fernando (Nixi music)

Mastered by: Txai Fernando & Jock Loveband

Magnus Jonas: Guitar, Bass, Piano, Harmonium, Harmonica, Mandolin, Percussion, Voice

Mette Støre: Voice

Txai Fernando: Viola, Percussion, voice

Adrian Freedman: Shakuhachi flute

Tavo Vazquez: Charango, Flute

Diego Fransisco: Guitar, Bass

Lars Michael Hektoen: Trumpet

Atle Kvia: Mandolin, Tin flute

Sigmund Vatvedt: Charango

Choir: Aida Frusan, Caroline Hargreaves, Frida Tessem, Jan-Magnus Myhre, Nicolay Nesvaag, Christian Andvig

In my heart, I Am the You-niverse

-Hymns of Melchizedek