Magnus Jonas Støre

Magnus Jonas Støre Yoga Coaching Pusteteknikk


Approaching wholeness

As a flower is nectarised by the whole forest, so the human being is connected to receive ultimate sustenance for a wholesome life. But, for many this connection is along the way exchanged with habits of protection - and in turn we clamp the umbilical chord. Sustenance wanes, and the forest that was once a place of wonder becomes thorny bushlands where purpose is synonym with survival.

This work is nestled on the acknowledgement that we are part of something greater than ourselves and that health and happiness is contingent on finding a way back to this wholeness. This implies understanding in what ways we are unique, and to awaken the courage of bringing this uniqueness in to the world. And so the journey is born.

Bringing together both ancient and contemporary modalities of forging health on all levels, this is transformative work is for devoted seekers with a genuine appetite for a more beautiful life.

About me

I was born on a new moon late in 1989. Notable memories from my childhood are antlered deer in ghost-like motion across our snow covered lawn at dawn or the daily visits to the surrounding forest, where in engagement with sticks and stones time would seem to bend to the exhilarating experience of being utterly free.

As a young adult, my fascination with the human psyche led to 4 years of education at the University of Oslo, studying psychology with specialisation in the therapeutic effects of mystical experiences. It was at this time I realised that my academic career in truth was a futile attempt to resolve an inner longing for existential meaning. Midway in my masters degree I dropped out of the University to grapple more fundamental aspects of life. 

With great intensity I found my old life withering away as my unbendable intention for existential redemption was pulling me through the thicket of the healing landscape. In flux between magnificent expansions of consciousness and scorching contractions of self examination much was released and realised - but without a functional way to yoke the loose ends of the healing chaos, the toll of this free-styled experimentation was a fragile body, a confused mind and a voided heart.

In 2018 I found my self at the feet of Kundalini Tantra mastress Umaa Inder, whose extraordinary wisdom within the Indian life sciences imparted to me the knowledge to facilitate health in body and mind in synergy with devotion to the spiritual path.

Today I still nurture a close relationship to Umaa, study Ayurveda with esteemed teacher David Frawley and Craniosacral therapy with Sami Shaman Kjetil Kvalvik. As a multi-instrumentalist I have since 2017 immersed in the performance of devotional music, bringing together traditional mantras, modern bhajans and my own compositions as offerings to the awakening community. 

My life is still an exploration of the wonders of the human condition in relation to the forces of nature and the divine imperative. A calling to share parts of this exploration has led to this work.

I live in Oslo with my wife and two children.

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Magnus Jonas Støre Yoga Coaching Pusteteknikk